About us

Filmmakers and creative nerds

AVIA is a content agency in Oslo, specializing in creative processes and craftsmanship. With in-house expertise in film, animation, design, and technology, we tackle creative tasks for some of the country's largest brands and agencies. We are motivated by finding good solutions, regardless of the size of the job.

Lifetime clients

We're not here to simply drop off a project and move on. Whether it's a small or large task, we'll invest the time required to understand you and your working environment, ensuring that we can achieve excellent results together.

Positive impact

Promoting positive change has been ingrained in AVIA's identity from the very outset. Since we invest so much of ourselves in our work, it's particularly fulfilling to witness its transformation into something remarkable that touches the lives of more than just ourselves!

The content we create

The content we create is seen by millions of people annually, giving us an opportunity to make a real difference. Working with AVIA, we will strive to deliver results for you while also working on ideas that leave positive associations with you as the sender. We believe that the future winners are companies that can combine profitability with positive impact.

Pro bono work

Annually, we produce national campaigns valued at 250,000 NOK for a non-profit organization to support their efforts in spreading a crucial message. We also provide all non-profit organizations with cost-free idea development and consultation.

Support and certifications

For every film we produce, 100 new trees are planted. Eden Reforestation Project is a global network that helps reduce extreme poverty, as well as protect and restore forests on a large scale.

Meet the people

We are filmmakers, designers, coders and four-legged companions who loves taking on challenges - big and small. Do you have one for us?

Morten Skjæveland

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Morten Skjæveland

Morten Skjæveland


Morten is an advisor at AVIA and plays a key role in helping our clients succeed with video – through strategy, insights, platform selection and distribution. He has 15 years of experience in communication, technology, and marketing. He has, among other things, led the work on a new communication strategy and film production in The Association of NGOs in Norway, and knows what it's like to be on the client side.

Morten sørger for at det er en gjennomtenkt strategi i prosjektene, slik at filmene treffer målgruppen i rett modus, på rett sted og til riktig tid.

Andrea Lütken

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Andrea Lütken

Andrea Lütken


Andrea er regissør og rådgiver i AVIA, med mange års erfaring innen reklamekampanjer og konseptutvikling. Hun er utdannet tekstforfatter ved Westerdals i Oslo og SCA 2.0 i London, og har bakgrunn fra reklamebransjen i Norge, England og Italia.

Andrea er dyktig i kreativ idé- og konseptutvikling, og spiller en viktig rolle i å forme de strategiske grunnsteinene for merkevarer. Med erfaring fra både TV-produksjon og fiksjonsprosjekter, har hun en sterk forståelse for historiefortelling og strategi, noe som gir prosjektene hennes et innovativt preg.

Jakob Fort

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Jakob Fort

Jakob Fort


Jakob har alltid en tydelig visuell visjon tilpasset kunde og målgruppe. Med en bred bakgrunn fra filmbransjen i roller som produsent, regissør og skuespiller har han fått en sterk forståelse for formidling av engasjerende historier på tvers av plattformer.

Monika Edvardsen

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Monika Edvardsen

Monika Edvardsen


Monika is an animator at AVIA and turns illustrations into living animation. Her education and experience in design, communication and digital media has given her a good understanding of what it takes to convince the audience. She loves to experiment with different animation techniques - which makes her a versatile and skilled animator.

In Monika's universe nothing is impossible. She's made animation films for several big brands and can make anything from graphic elements to complete animation films.

Sondre F. Lindheim

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Sondre F. Lindheim

Sondre F. Lindheim


Sondre har en imponerende drive for teknologi i arbeidet med kreativt innhold. Etter over åtte år som filmfotograf i AVIA har han inntatt rollen som AI rådgiver og filmskaper. I denne rollen vil Sondre bruke sin ekspertise til å ligge i forkant av AI-utviklingen, med å rådgi kunder, holde foredrag og integrere AI for å skape kreativt og nyskapende innhold. Hans evne til å fange opp nye trender og utforske innovative metoder er nå beriket med AI-teknologi, noe som ytterligere forsterker hans evne til å levere unike og engasjerende filmer.

Vegard Jonsson

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Vegard Jonsson

Vegard Jonsson


Vegard is a cinematographer at AVIA. With his background in short film production and a masters degree in film and video production, he has gained broad knowledge and experience in film production.

Vegard is passionate about his work, and loves to explore how visual and aesthetic means can be used to influence or support the message in a film. He immerses himself in the films vision, while at the same time developing independent visual interpretations of the film. With Vegard on the team, you are guaranteed a cinematographer who captures and creates unique content.


Eivind Løkstad

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Eivind Løkstad

Eivind Løkstad


Eivind er en filmfotograf med et brennende hjerte for faget og en grundighet få forunt. Med Eivind bak kameraet får du ikke bare spektakulære opptak, men også bilder som forteller en historie i seg selv og rører i dine følelser. Han har en filmutdanning fra Volda, og hadde sin praksis i AVIA. Der ble han raskt lagt merke til som et ungt talent, godt likt av alle og med et skyhøyt nivå på arbeidet. Det kunne vi bare ikke gi slipp på, og ser frem til å ta våre filmer til nye høyder sammen med Eivind.

Sigurd Bratli

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Sigurd Bratli

Sigurd Bratli


Sigurd is a producer and project manager at AVIA, and ensures that projects are executed to the highest standard from start to finish. Sigurd is a multitalented individual with knowledge about nearly everything related to film, and has an exceptional eye for detail. He has completed a bachelor's degree in media production from Volda University College.

With Sigurd as project manager, you can be confident that the results meet your expectations and that the content is delivered on time.

Frida Bakke

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Frida Bakke

Frida Bakke


Frida is an advisor at AVIA and is our expert on strategic use of film in communication. She has an education in retail management and TV production, and broad experience in production and sales.

Frida was born to be a strategist with a good eye for communication and collaboration. She works purposefully with both short and long-term strategies that contribute to growth for the client. She ensures that content is always relevant and innovative. Her knowledge and commitment makes her a valuable advisor and team player to our clients.

Mariel Svala

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Mariel Svala

Mariel Svala


Mariel er daglig leder i AVIA. Med to bachelorer bak seg i både skuespill og creative industries management har hun bred og variert erfaring innen filmproduksjon. I AVIA sikrer Mariel at produksjonene gjennomføres innenfor avtalte rammer og frister.

Mariel is super oriented and always arranges for the projects to be carried out in the best possible way. At AVIA, she connects the teams together and her coordination and management of creative teams and processes is crucial for our success.

Dag Olav Mandt

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Dag Olav Mandt

Dag Olav Mandt


Dag Olav is a producer at AVIA and coordinates most of our productions. He has a bachelors degree in media, ICT and design from Volda University, in addition to a two-year degree in journalism from Norges Kreative Fagskole.

Dag Olav thrives best behind the scenes of a production and has full control over most things that happen at AVIA. He always keeps in close contact with the client, ensures good progress and that the budget is met throughout production. Although he once dreamed of becoming a football player, we are very happy to have him on our team as a producer and important supporter at AVIA.

Deniz Huseby

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Deniz Huseby

Deniz Huseby


Deniz er vekst leder og grunnlegger av AVIA Produksjon. Han er utdannet markedsfører og har mer enn ti års erfaring innen filmproduksjon, markedsføring og strategi. Deniz startet selv som selvstendig filmfotograf og har god innsikt i de kreative prosessene.

Siden grunnleggelsen av AVIA i 2014 har selskapet utviklet seg i rekordfart og er nå ett av Norges ledende kreative miljøer. Som vekst leder bistår derfor Deniz aktivt i prosjektarbeid og guider selskapet på vei mot nye høyder.

Anne Ruyter

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Anne Ruyter

Anne Ruyter


Anne er organisasjonsrådgiver og markedsansvarlig i AVIA. Med en bachelorgrad i økonomi og administrasjon fra BI, har hun en sentral rolle i selskapets daglige drift. Hun har blant annet et overordnet ansvar for fakturering, interne systemer og andre administrative oppgaver som sikrer effektiv drift.

Anne er opptatt av god organisering og systematikk, noe som er essensielt i hennes rolle. Hun fungerer også som en viktig støttespiller for ledelsen i arbeidet med nye satsinger og vekstplaner.


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Secco is our branch manager, and Linie's big sister. She makes sure that everyone in the office are smiling and that concentration is at its peak. She likes to attend meetings, preferably on Deniz's lap.


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Othello takes his job very seriously and is eager to climb the ladder towards the role of senior barketer. He takes very good care of his colleagues and does everything to ensure that those around him are well. Although he takes his job seriously, he is very playful and cuddly in his spare time.


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Linie is Secco's little sister. She helps with wellbeing in the office and isn't afraid to speak her mind when she wants attention.

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