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Right to play is an international organisation that uses games as a learning tool to protect, educate and empower children in developing countries. Together with Right To Play and Dentsu Aegis Network Norway, we have helped develop Right To Play's campaign: "Not just a game!"

Not just a game - Facebook ad

The aim of the campaign was to create national attention around the work of Right To Play, and through strategic work over time, contribute to increasing the number of regular donors who support the work of Right To Play.

Screenshot from Aksel Lund Svindal's Instagram post.

By using a shared interest in play and sport, we wanted to appeal to the viewer by using proud, national moments from Right To Play ambassadors such as Aksel Lund Svindal, Therese Johaug, Johannes Thingnes Bø and Suzann "Tutta" Pettersen. The film was published on all Right To Play's social channels and the ambassadors shared it on their own channels.

Screenshot from Aksel Lund Svindal's Instagram post.

Dette skapte stor oppmerksomhet, og ledet trafikk videre inn til en landingsside som fortalte mer om kampanjen og Right To Play sitt arbeid. På landingssiden på Right To Play sine nettsider ble seere møtt med informasjon om Right To Play sitt arbeid i felten. Her fikk man se filmer av Aksel Lund Svindal på feltreise til Etiopia. Filmene opplyser om viktigheten av arbeidet som blir gjort i utviklingslandene. Nederst på siden er det mulig å registere seg som fast giver.

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