Video production from A to Z

ung kvinne og mann med mørke klær holder filmkamera og ser på Mac

What is the process of video production? Your guide to a successful commercial or awareness campaign.

A video production starts with a brief that describes the film's goals, target audience, and desired effect. Then, a budget of what is necessary to finance the project is prepared, and a video company is chosen to produce the video. After an ideation workshop, an engaging story is written, the concept and script are developed and carefully planned before production and post-production take shape. Finally, the video is distributed to the audience.


The path to a successful film


  1. 1 Begin with a brief (target audience and goals)
  2. 2 Pick the right genre / type of video
  3. 3 Find your budget
  4. 4 Talk to a video production company
  5. 5 Create a story that engages
  6. 6 Plan well
  7. 7 Production and post production
  8. 8 Remember distribution



1 Begin your video production with a brief

Before you begin, you must have a clear plan for what you want to achieve with your video. What is the goal, who is your target audience and what do you want viewers to feel after seeing the film? A clear goal and a defined target audience will help you create a successful video.

Set a clear goal

Set a clear goal within one of the following categories: A) Create visibility and attention B) Sell a product or a service C) Change attitudes towards an issue or brand D) Inform or teach

Define your target audience

Describe your target audience as one person, not a large group. Who is this person, what interests, cultural preferences and problems does the person have? At AVIA, we will help you with this in our ideation workshop.

2 Pick the right genre / type of video

Videos can be categorised by which function they have in the HERO-HUB-HELP model. It helps you choose the right type of video.

Filmproduksjon kategorisert etter funksjon


Large scale videos, to create visibility and attention. You seek out the viewers and must plan distribution. (Commercials, Brand films, New launches and more)


A series of videos that create engagement and interaction with viewers. Gives you 'fans' and a stronger brand (Video series, Behind-the-scenes, Employer branding and more)


Videos that are optimized for searches and sharing. Viewers seek you out. Gives more traffic to website and the company's platforms. (How-to films, Explainer videos, Case films and more)

Filmproduksjon kamera

3 Find your budget

Video production can be costly, so it's important to have a realistic budget in place before starting production. We have developed a free tool that quickly helps you determine what your budget should be for your next video.

4 Find the right video production company

Talk to someone who works with video production on a daily basis. They know which trends work, which pitfalls to avoid, and how to get the most out of your budget. In Norway, the video production community is largely concentrated in Oslo.


AVIA is a challenger in the industry, and aims to be a leading creative hub for film and animation. Below, we have listed some of our skilled competitors.

Video production companies in Oslo

Each company listed offers their services nationwide.

Animation studios in Oslo

Each company listed offers their services nationwide.

Work with the Industry's top talents

AVIA is a leading video production company in Oslo, with all resources for film production in-house – photographers, directors, scriptwriters, illustrators, animators, editors, lighting technicians, AI specialists, and more.


Hire a creative individual for a few hours for a small task, or an entire team to assist you from concept to finished video.

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5 Create a story that engages

A good video needs to have a story that engages the viewers and makes them feel something. It can be a simple story or a more complex narrative. The most important thing is that the story speaks to the target audience by addressing problems or interests they can relate to from their own everyday life.


In AVIA, we carry out an ideation workshop, to help you see your own business from an outside perspective and find stories that engage. After the workshop, our director develops various ideas that are presented to you.


See how AVIA captivated millions on TikTok.

6 Plan well

Filmmaking requires good planning and organisation. What you need to prepare depends on whether you are producing an animated video or live action. For live action, you need to find suitable locations, describe scenes, select techniques, acquire necessary equipment, cast actors, and make schedules for shooting. For animation, you need to find the right style and technique, create a storyboard, and prepare illustrations.

7 Production and post production

Plans become reality. Shooting, set design, animation, sound design, colour grading, editing, and music selection are some of the things that happen during this phase. Having the right team with skilled creators is crucial for good ideas to become engaging videos.

8 Remember distribution

A good video that no one sees has little value. When the video is completed, it needs to be distributed to your target audience. This can include publishing the film on social media, on television, in theatres or on your website.


Think about distribution from the ideation stage. Videos for social media need to have a captivating opening from the first second, be short and subtitled for viewing without sound. Publish the video at a time when your target audience is active, and get as many people as possible to share and react to the video shortly after publication. Use some of your budget on paid advertising to "kickstart" the spread.


In AVIA, distribution and platform adaptation is in focus from start to finish.


With a good plan, an engaging story, and a clear distribution strategy, you can create videos that has great impact on your target audience. AVIA is a leading video production company in Norway that assists businesses with the production of commercial, explainer video and animation. We assist all the way from idea and production to distribution.


See examples of videos we have produced.


Red Cross – Before, in and after prison

Red Cross wanted an animation series that tells about children's experiences before, during and after their fathers have served time in prison. AVIA developed the idea and produced three videos that emotionally and touchingly depict the children's perspective.

Kistefos – The Twist

dronefoto av arkitektur og skog

Kistefos is an exciting cultural destination with a sculpture park, two art galleries and an industrial museum. AVIA has produced several videos to document the construction of The Twist and to showcase the exhibitions inside.

Want to get started with video production? Contact us for a non-binding conversation, and we'll help you along.

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