Gratis forprosjekt og 20% rabatt på filmproduksjon
Som MFO medlem får du et gratis forprosjekt til verdi av 20.000,- fra et ledende kreativt miljø innen film og animasjon. Inkluderer workshop, innsiktsarbeid og en erfaren regissør som pitcher idéer til deres neste film. Ingen videre forpliktelser, og 20% rabatt på produksjon hvis dere går videre.
Filmer som får oppmerksomhet
What do our customers say?
Slik benytter du deg av tilbudet
1. Say hello!
Send en mail med rabattkoden «MFO20» i emnefeltet til Fortell oss hva du trenger eller ser for deg av resultater. Det kan gjerne være en åpen oppgave, eller bare noen løse tanker.
2. Regissør pitcher ideer
If wanted, we develop ideas or work with yours. In just a few days, our film director will present multiple concepts for your consideration. There are no further obligations until you've made your choice.
3. We produce video
Ønsker du å gå videre med en av ideene og produsere film, får du videre 20% rabatt på produksjonen. Vi gir oss ikke før du er fornøyd, og vi lytter til deg underveis. Når filmen er ferdig hjelper vi deg med å nå ut til ditt publikum.
Captivated millions on TikTok
AVIA developed the concept and produced a series of films commissioned by Ung i Trafikken. The goal was to highlight mobile phone usage in traffic and reach a young audience that is particularly challenging to engage.
Over 2.5 million views.
Over 200,000 interactions.
The videos went viral and generated significant activity in the comment section
Our services
We are a production company that loves exploring new ways to tackle creative challenges. That's why we have all the resources for film production in-house – photographers, directors, copywriters, illustrators, animators, editors, lighting specialists, AI experts, and more.
Hire a creative individual for a few hours for a small task, or an entire team to assist you from concept to finished video.
Film commercials
Production of video commercials for all channels – social media, TV, cinema, and more. We can assist you with the concept, film production, and distribution of the final film.
Everything in animation. We have illustrators and animators who create original content for all kinds of purposes. First, we develop a style and visual language, and then we breathe life into the images through animation.
Awareness campaigns
Movies that evoke emotions and prompt viewers to reflect on their relationship with a theme or their connection to an organization. We have extensive experience in creating impactful advocacy campaigns.
VR & 360-video
We assist you in creating virtual experiences for your customers – for use in VR headsets or online.
Virtual tours, product demonstrations, trade show experiences, and more.
Datagenerert & AI
We specialize in crafting personalized videos, offering a unique experience to each recipient, and utilizing AI-generated videos to address tasks where conventional methods may fall short. Curious about the possibilities? Feel free to contact us for a friendly chat.
Influenser & brukergenerert video (UGC)
We maintain a network of influencers and other brand ambassadors for your clients, ready to help you effectively engage with your target audience.
Informational and educational videos
A comprehensive range of services covering courses, training, and informational videos. We specialize in helping you deliver educational content in an engaging and pedagogically effective manner. Our interdisciplinary approach combines video, animation, and expert direction to ensure optimal communication.
We specialize in live streaming events and meetings, offering secure broadcasts from both in-studio and external locations.
We offer a full range of aerial film and photography services utilizing drones, partnering with the most accomplished drone pilots in the nation. We manage all permitting requirements and work in collaboration with aviation authorities as needed.