Blant blinde og svaksynte er det mange som kvier seg for å dra på restaurant, fordi de ikke kan lese menyen selv. Dette ønsker Norges Blindeforbunds Ungdom (NBfU) å gjøre noe med. AVIA produserte en film for Norges Blindeforbunds Ungdom (NBfU)som på en humoristisk måte viser hvorfor det er nødvendig å innføre menyer tilpasset synshemmede.
The Norwegian Association of the Blind Youth (NBfU) is an organisation by and for the visually impaired aged 14-35 years. They have over 500 members spread across Norway, and work for full social equality and social inclusion. They think that the choice of education, work and leisure activities should be based on what one likes and is interested in, not on how good or bad eyesight one has.
Furthermore, they believe that most of the challenges blind and partially sighted people face in everyday life are societal, and that as long as the will is present, they can therefore be easily removed or reduced. An example of such a challenge is reading the menu at restaurants, and this is exactly what the NBfU wanted our help to shed light on.
Most restaurants do not have menus that are adapted for the visually impaired. Because of this, many blind and partially sighted people are reluctant to go to a restaurant because they cannot read the menu. To shed light on this, NBfU wanted a campaign that shows the importance of introducing menus in Braille. We produced a film illustrating how the lack of a customised menu can create tricky situations for the visually impaired.
«Fordi hovedkarakteren i filmen vår synes det er pinlig å spørre om hjelp, tar han bare en råsjanse på at “nummer 13” er noe han kommer til å like. NBfU var veldig med på å benytte humor for å nå frem med sitt budskap om tilpassede menyer, noe som kommer godt fram i hovedkarakterens møte med “nummer 13” – og en noe eksotisk matkultur.»
- Mathias Odden, Regissør i AVIA Produksjon
Our vision is to influence people's lives, choices and attitudes in a positive way through marketing and advertising. After our campaign was launched, NBfU has been in contact with a number of large restaurant chains, and so far Peppes, Egon and Olivia (three big restaurant chains in Norway) have all adapted their menus for the blind and partially sighted.