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Nordea Direct is a completely separate and distinct banking offer from Nordea. They have entered into a collaboration with the trade unions' central unions, which provides the members of the unions with favourable banking offers. Together with Wavemaker, we have developed a campaign for Nordea Direct.

Formålet var å tiltrekke seg flere bankkunder blant medlemmer i yrkesorganisasjonenes sentralforbund. Som en del av dette fikk vi i oppdrag å lage en reklamefilm som kunne formidle dette på en spenstig måte.


This film is about a YS member who took advantage of Nordea Direct's banking offers and was able to afford to realise his daughter's dream of owning her very own horse. This funny, but far from unlikely scenario illustrates that there is money to be saved for others in this target group if they move their loan to Nordea Direct.

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